Timberland Investment Resources, LLC
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Learn more about Timberland Investment Resources, LLC
Timberland Investment Resources, LLC operates as a financial advisory firm based in Atlanta, Georgia. The company has $2.1 billion in total assets over 17 client accounts, placing it among the largest firms in the nation by assets under management (AUM). The firm has a small group, including 23 financial advisors. Timberland Investment Resources, LLC does not act as a registered broker-dealer, meaning it cannot buy and sell securities for its accounts and those of its clients and instead is required to go through a broker-dealer company to do so. Securities are exchangable financial investments such as options, stocks and bonds.
Timberland Investment Resources, LLC oversees all of the firm's client assets on a discretionary basis. Discretionary management means that transaction decisions are made by a portfolio manager without needing to seek client authorization. Timberland Investment Resources, LLC manages an average of $122.2 million in assets for each customer account. The typical advisor at Timberland Investment Resources, LLC oversees fewer than one client account, making it one of the most personalized financial advisor firms in the country.
The firm's headquarters is at 115 Perimeter Center Place, Atlanta, Georgia 30346-1244. The company is registered to provide services to investors across a few states, including Georgia, Massachusetts and Texas.
Assets Under Management
Number of Advisors
Office Location
Timberland Investment Resources, LLC by the Numbers
$2.1 billion
$122.2 million
Fee Structure
A financial advisor's fees largely depend on which service is provided. Fee types billed by Timberland Investment Resources, LLC likely consist of the following fee types: asset-based or performance-based. The company does not supply a wrap fee program, in which the firm offers a bundle of services for a single fee.
Offered by 69% of firms
Percentage of Assets
Offered by 26% of firms
Find one of the 21% of firms that offer this fee type
Find one of the 1% of firms that offer this fee type
Find one of the 0% of firms that offer this fee type
Find one of the 32% of firms that offer this fee type
Find one of the 10% of firms that offer this fee type
Types of Clients
The firm provides services to pooled investment vehicles, pension plans and state or municipal government entities. Out of its 17 customers, Timberland Investment Resources, LLC's largest client group by number of accounts is state or municipal government entities. About 16% of its customers are from outside of the U.S.
- High-Net-Worth Individuals* - 0%
- Other Individuals - 0%
- Corporations - 100%
- Charitable Organizations - 0%
* The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) defines a high-net-worth individual as someone who has at least $750,000 under management.
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Timberland Investment Resources, LLC does not have any disclosures.
Please visit its Form ADV for more details.
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Financial Advisors at Timberland Investment Resources, LLC
Atlanta, GA
Atlanta, GA
Atlanta, GA
Brookline, MA
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