Knights Of Columbus Asset Advisors LLC
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About this Advisor
Brandon Castille is a financial advisor based in La Habra, California, working with Knights Of Columbus Asset Advisors LLC. Brandon has previously held positions at Allstate Insurance Co, Knights Of Columbus Insurance, and Knights Of Columbus Asset Advisors. Brandon has passed the Series 63 and Series 65 regulatory exams and is registered to provide services in California. Currently, Brandon is part of Knights Of Columbus Asset Advisors LLC, which operates out of La Habra, California. The firm has 1 office and 225 employees. The firm manages assets totaling $27.2 billion and serves a variety of clients, including charitable organizations. The services offered by the firm include portfolio management for individuals and small businesses, portfolio management for investment companies, portfolio management for pooled investment vehicles, portfolio management for institutional clients, pension consulting services, and selection of other advisers. The fee structure at Knights Of Columbus Asset Advisors LLC includes asset-based fees.
Certifications and Registrations
Services Offered
Fee Structure
Office Location
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Knights Of Columbus Asset Advisors LLC Brokerage Details




Investment Advisory Services
- Portfolio management for individuals and/or small businesses
- Portfolio management for investment companies
- Portfolio management for pooled investment vehicles
- Portfolio management for businesses or institutional clients
- Pension consulting services
- Selection of other advisers
Brandon Castille Work History
Knights Of Columbus Asset Advisors
Knights Of Columbus Insurance
Allstate Insurance Co
Please visit the SEC profile of Brandon Castille to learn whether or not they have any disclosures. It is important to do your due diligence when looking for an advisor.
Financial Advisors at Knights Of Columbus Asset Advisors LLC
New Haven, CT
Orlando, FL
New Haven, CT
New Haven, CT
Charlottesville, VA
Floral Park, NY
La Habra, CA
New Haven, CT
The content in this profile was updated by SmartAsset on 6/19/2024. All advisor details come from publicly available data, and we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the content. We are unable to make individual profile updates. If you want your profile removed temporarily or permanently, please contact
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This profile may include a firm or advisor that has a business relationship with SmartAsset, in which SmartAsset is compensated for lead referrals. SmartAsset is not a client of the aforementioned firms or advisors. SmartAsset did not receive compensation for including any of the firms or advisors in the aforementioned profile.
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